Post to place flexes and salt pulls

  • @Tartufo
    211 months ago

    Yay: 50 pulls in I got Wanderer after winning a 50/50, so he’s now c1. Currently useless for how I have him geared but it’s one step closer to later constellations so it’s something I’m happy about. Another 30 pulls later I got Jean, who is now c3. Only 1 more loss to her and she can shred anemo res which is cool and might make me actually use her.

    Sadface: Only managed to get 2 copies of Faruzan during this so now she’s at c3. I really would love a c6 Faruzan but absolutely don’t want to ruin a guaranteed limited 5*, so no more pulls for me this time. I already have Kokofish from an earlier banner and I don’t want her constellations.

    Idk how to feel about this: For some weird reason 4* weapons loved to jump me this time while pulling on the character banner. Then again this means I now own an r5 Stringless - yay for Fischl I guess? If only I would use her more.

    • Dudewitbow
      111 months ago

      On the bright side with fishcl, she gets an extremly good accessory set in the Fontaine patch. So she can only trend up from here.

      • @Tartufo
        11 months ago

        True, but I’ll still have to find a team I actually like her in. Doesn’t help to have a well geared character if you somehow end up not liking any teams where they’re a good fit over the same team with a different character. As it is currently I always go to Kuki for my electro needs.