I made this post because I really like the design of GNOME, and although i’d like customizability, it is mostly enough for my everyday needs. But I want to understand why people may choose other desktop environments…or why you would/would’nt use GNOME.

  • Rozaŭtuno
    1 year ago

    I like the aesthetic, Gnome applications are very pretty. But I really don’t like the workflow, it’s not objectively bad but I already have my own and I refuse to change it. The desktop should adapt to my choices, not the other way around. I know you can change how Gnome behaves with extensions but I believe that kinda defeats the whole point, and I’ve heard they often break.

    I prefer Xfce; it’s simple but not too minimalistic, it’s customazible but not so much to give you choice paralysis, and it just lets you run things however you want without getting in the way.