The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
The border between Mexico and America has a long history of bootleggers, drug traffickers and gun runners. Now egg smugglers can be added to that list.
Stop. Buying. Fucking. Eggs!
God damn Americans are fucking spoiled.
Honestly, this is the real problem. They hate musk and bezos, but won’t quit Twitter or Amazon. They’ll say fuck Facebook “but oh, gotta keep up with family”. High inflation and prices? Can’t disappoint at Christmas! Don’t wanna give up my lifestyle, and trump is offering a quick fix
Thank you, it’s absolutely the real problem. Coddled ass American public. Can’t even change their food habits in the face of economic ruin.
I don’t see it as coddled. I see it as a mass mental health disorder. Got stress? Best cure is to buy things! This is shoved in our faces constantly since we are the epitome of government run by businesses and kids raised on social media it’s 95% ads disguised as culture and content. The only culture we have is buy shit culture.
Why? Let them buy. At least some Mexicans can get a few additional coins out of that.
I got down to my last egg like a month ago and keep thinking about when and how I should use it. Technically I could afford to buy more but it’s the principle of the thing; not so much about not being a Spoiled American but I really don’t want to support the companies price gouging these things. But I was also making a loaf of challah almost every week and I don’t think my flax meal substitute will work for that…
My solitary, lonely egg. Just chillin in the fridge.
Maybe I should start my morning with an egg sandwich tomorrow.
A good egg replacement is fish. Canned fish can do if you can stomach it. Also artisanal cheeses like Brie or Camembert (I’m sure local American farmers make some). It’s hard to replace eggs properly, they are nature’s vitamin boosters.
A very good and principled reason. I think you should have that egg sandwich in the morning!