If the Apple security decision in the UK is anything to go by as well as the Trump administration in the US pushing hard for government backdoors in cloud storage and messaging apps, which has been asked for for a long time but didn’t have much chance of getting past court oversight in the US until the Supreme Court was so corrupted, then likely this is going to be a way that governments can enforce the idea of having encrypted data transmissions to keep data out of the hands of foreign hackers, but still have corporate backdoors that allow governments to access the unencrypted data. That’s exactly what the UK said the Apple thing was supposed to help with. Of course data is only as secure as the weakest link and corporations are often much easier targets than individual users anyway. So it has the same result, but it appeases the majority who don’t get it.
If the Apple security decision in the UK is anything to go by as well as the Trump administration in the US pushing hard for government backdoors in cloud storage and messaging apps, which has been asked for for a long time but didn’t have much chance of getting past court oversight in the US until the Supreme Court was so corrupted, then likely this is going to be a way that governments can enforce the idea of having encrypted data transmissions to keep data out of the hands of foreign hackers, but still have corporate backdoors that allow governments to access the unencrypted data. That’s exactly what the UK said the Apple thing was supposed to help with. Of course data is only as secure as the weakest link and corporations are often much easier targets than individual users anyway. So it has the same result, but it appeases the majority who don’t get it.