For you my bros. Be gay!

And say hi!

    • sirdavidxvi
      81 year ago

      I like it more than Discord, which a lot of subs have been directing people to. Nothing wrong with Discord - it’s great for live chat and whatnot - but I don’t find it to be a good reddit alternative. Every time I drop in I feel like I’m walking into the middle of a conversation with no context.

      I love the post-and-reply paradigm with threaded comments, so Lemmy feels like a much better fit for me. Makes it much easier to casually browse and consume content, and participate in a more asynchronous manner.

      • VinceUnderReview
        51 year ago

        I find Discord absolutely unuseable for the same reasons as you. I feel obligated to read 300 messages before replying, and I just cannot be bothered.

        • sirdavidxvi
          51 year ago

          I’m glad it’s not just me! It seems like everyone is all about Discord and I just can’t wrap my head around it. Another thing that drives me nuts is that every server has a different set of hoops to jump though before you can see or do anything, and some of them are really strange.

      31 year ago

      Still trying to figure it out. Tried the Connect app because it had good reviews, but I got more errors than not. Just started on Jerboa and seems way friendlier. Now trying to rebuild my feed.

      Just like when starting in Reddit, gaybros is my first stop!