• irotsoma
    1 month ago

    I never got this kind of porn. I mean I like porn as much as anyone, but why would I want all of the people to have basically the same, “perfect” body parts and skin and such. That’s so boring, IMHO.

    The only reason I might be interested in seeing a celebrity nude is to see what their individual body looks like after I’ve been scintillated by seeing them in something sexy. There are tons of attractive porn actresses if I want to see a sculpted body or someone else’s body. Though, for me, lack of consent is a big turn off. But I get that doesn’t apply to the majority of porn users. They like the scandal of it and think of it as a taboo around an object rather than an invasion of an actual person’s privacy.

    Anyway, if you consume a lot of this type of porn, doesn’t it get boring really quick?