ID: photo of a dark road through some woods, in the lower right is text saying “The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.”

  • Naia
    1 month ago

    I’m white, but also trans. Currently preparing to move across country to a state where I hope to maintain some rights.

    I’m privileged enough to be able to do that, but I also am aware that my job may be at risk with everything going on. This last week has me anxious enough that my ADHD medication is barely doing anything to help me focus on most tasks.

    It’s the same shit MLK said about the white moderate. Anyone fine and comfy is perfectly OK with other people being denied rights because doing something to fix it means upsetting the status quo and stuff might end up a bit harder for them.

    Meanwhile, so many people getting deported means we are about to enter in a massive food shortage and price hike that will effect them. But they will rationalize like they always do that this wasn’t something they could have forseen desire the rest of us telling them exactly what was going to happen.

    For fuck sake, there were people like that who basically claimed we were crazy for quoting the shit trump said he was going to do. Saying it was hyperbole. Like Trump even knows what that is.