Can’t have anything nice apparently :/

  • Snot Flickerman
    2 months ago

    You shouldn’t need a site. If you look closely at the original link you posted, it’s usually demarked by either a & symbol or a ? symbol, both the symbols and all text that comes after them are extraneous data of some type (not always tracking, but tracking is most common).

    For example, a youtube link where you put a timestamp so it always starts at a specific time would be

    In this example, I appended “&t=30s” to the end of the link, which starts me at that time stamp (30 seconds). Removing it again provides a “clean link.”

    So what you need to look out for are special characters, anything after those tend to be tracking data. (Not always, but mostly)

    So find a special character (as I said, usually & or ?), and remove that character and everything that comes after it and you’ll have a clean link.

    Another example (not tracking related) might be a zoom link. They’ll have a “?pwd=” followed by a hash of the password so you can log in without typing the password. “” Something like that for example (not a real zoom link).