Hi, I am the developer of PdfDing. One thing I am not sure about is the frequency of my releases. What do you folks prefer in self-hosted projects? More releases in order to get new features as fast as possible or fewer releases with bigger feature additions?

  • Axum
    2 months ago

    This isn’t something that should really be set by users of an app. It should be set by you, as you will be the one to handle user feedback and bug reports.

    That being said, bigger releases are a challenge from a debugging report standpoint because you are introducing many more changes in each release compared to a smaller number of charges in more frequent releases. This is why many devops teams in corporate land try to keep releases smaller and more frequent (see also: Agile Development)

    • Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe
      2 months ago

      Very good point about Agile.

      As an end-user (that is, the IT staff that will be deploying/managing things), I prefer less-frequent releases. I’d love to see 1 or 2 releases a year for all software (pipe dream, I know). Once you have a handful of packages, you end up with constant change to manage.

      I suspect what we end up with is early adopters embracing the frequent releases, and providing feedback/error reporting, while people like me benefit from them while choosing to upgrade less frequently.

      There are about 3 apps that I’m a beta tester for, so even I’m part of that early-adopter group.