I mean I’m an Anarchist so I tend to not like the concept of “leaders”.
But I respect a couple Green Party british MPs and Marine Tondelier. Also have a generally good view of Sanders and gang, although not without disagreements.
I’m more skeptical of revering past figures though because history is often written by those in power, so they often end up polishing up a lot of these figures. I would respect FDR is he didn’t do Japanese apartheid and let the eugenics movement perform mass sterilisations of disabled people (and segregation and all the fucked up shit happening back then; not that today everything is rosey)
I mean I’m an Anarchist so I tend to not like the concept of “leaders”.
But I respect a couple Green Party british MPs and Marine Tondelier. Also have a generally good view of Sanders and gang, although not without disagreements.
I’m more skeptical of revering past figures though because history is often written by those in power, so they often end up polishing up a lot of these figures. I would respect FDR is he didn’t do Japanese apartheid and let the eugenics movement perform mass sterilisations of disabled people (and segregation and all the fucked up shit happening back then; not that today everything is rosey)