The case for Linux and openSUSE is clear. Linux provides viable, cost-effective and sustainable alternatives. Users can enjoy a free, open-source operating system that doesn’t require costly upgrades or restrictive hardware requirements with installing openSUSE. Here are a few things users that want to transition can consider:

  • Complete Transparency: Linux distributions like openSUSE are governed by open-source principles, ensuring clear and consistent development.
  • No Forced Obsolescence: openSUSE supports a wide range of hardware like modern machines to older PCs that allow users to extend the life of their devices.
  • Cost Savings: openSUSE is free to use, with no licensing fees or hidden subscription costs for extended support.

By switching to Linux, users can help combat e-waste as every PC saved from a landfill is a win for the environment.

  • N.E.P.T.R
    3 months ago

    For nvidia hardware, use nvidia images of Aurora/Bluefin (or Bazzite if you want gaming out of the box). All the OSes I mentioned are based on Fedora Atomic and offer image options for nvidia proprietary drivers. They even signing the kernel drivers, so you can use Secure Boot.

      3 months ago

      I have distro hopped my dang brains out with everything under the sun. I’m back to Mint. It works without being an absolute pain and is boring as watching paint dry, which is the point of an OS. I just use it to compute, work, code, and game. it boots and updates eventually.