Environmental advocates understand the announcement as a reversal, calling it “absolutely devastating.”

The Biden administration has backtracked from supporting a cap on plastic production as part of the United Nations’ global plastics treaty.

This represents a reversal of what the same groups were told at a similar briefing held in August, when Biden administration representatives raised hopes that the U.S. would join countries like Norway, Peru, and the United Kingdom in supporting limits on plastic production.

Nearly 70 countries, along with scientists and environmental groups, support the latter. They say it’s futile to mop up plastic litter while more and more of it keeps getting made.

  • Vivian (they/them)
    4 months ago

    Maybe it’s just a popular opinion on here, so when people click on the thread and see their opinions being mentioned they don’t add more comments saying the same stuff as there’s no point.

    But then when they see someone else say something that differs from their own opinions, it’s not unlikely that people tend to reply more to try and express themselves if they feel their opinions are no longer in the majority.

    • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
      4 months ago

      Yeah, could be. The other thing I thought of was maybe there’s something about sorting by “Active” that means that my comment pushes it up into being seen by more people, and that’s why there are more comments when that happens.

      It’s just odd, though. The flurry of responses that come in-between a stable “fuck the Democrats” narrative at the top of the comments, and another “fuck the Democrats” narrative at the top of the comments, aren’t really any kind of disagreement with me. It’s just other top-level comments and random conversation. I would have to be able to show a little snapshot of how the comments looked at different points in time to really put across what it is about it that makes it seem really weird to me, honestly.