Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Andriy Kostin, has resigned after dozens of his officials allegedly had themselves registered as disabled to avoid military service. “The prosecutor general must take political responsibility for the situation in the prosecution bodies of Ukraine,” Volodymyr Zelenskyy, announced after a security council meeting about cracking down on draft dodging. Kostin minutes later called the situation “clearly amoral” and agreed with Ukraine’s president that “it is right to announce my resignation from the position of prosecutor general”. Ukraine’s domestic security service, the SBU, said on Tuesday that 64 members of medical commissions had been named as suspects in criminal investigations in 2024, and nine more had been tried and found guilty.

“It is not only prosecutors, by the way,” Zelenskyy said in his evening address. “There are hundreds of cases of obviously unjustified disability [statuses] among customs and tax officials, in the pension fund system, and in local administrations … All this must be dealt with carefully and promptly.” After the security council meeting, the prime minister, Denys Shmyhal, dismissed the management of the central commission overseeing fitness for service, and senior officials in related roles in the health ministry. Zelenskyy ordered his cabinet to urgently draft a law dissolving existing medical commissions and reforming the disability assessment system.

  • FundMECFSResearch
    4 hours ago

    As someone disabled in part because of military service, it really annoys me people faking disability to get out of it. Life as a disabled person is already hard enough without people constantly accusing you of faking. So the fuckers actually faking are really actively making our lives worse.