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Runtime Break start
3h 51m 2h 5m

Episode 111: The Nein Hells

Bell’s Hells had returned to Vasselheim, having thwarted (it seems) the Unseelie reunion with the Vanguard. In doing so, eliminated one of the powerful associates of Ludinus Da’leth (the Sorrowlord Zathuda himself, the blood father to Fearne). With the information you have, you walked through the city, you gathered some supplies, and prepared yourselves for what is the looming return to the surface of Ruidus, where you and another troop are to secretly traverse once more towards the capital city of Kreviris; to delve beneath its surface into a hidden spot before infiltrating the core of the city to notify those back on Exandria that you are in position, so the assault can begin and distract the enemy forces and factions to best enable both of your teams to succeed at their goals.
After you gathered your things and said some goodbyes, ordered some alcohol, climbed into a dead titan’s ‘ass crack bar’. You met up with two familiar Zephran family members of Orym, who escorted you to Lake Umamu on the far western side of Issylra, where you had uncovered that secret underwater portal, the backdoor entrance to Ruidus and its hidden tunnel. Unknown to most but just a few.
As you arrived in the familiar abandoned fishing village (now partially taken over by the Zephran forces in preparation for your arrival) you set up within the nearby inn, where you had stayed before, talked amongst yourselves until your companion team arrived. One you’ve met a couple members of, but have been told they’re referred to as The Mighty Nein, a very chaotic introduction of both sides coming to meet together was left on a final question from Laudna,

“Why are there only seven of you?”

Previous Episode: “In the Shadow of War”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    12 hours ago
    • 02:07:52 Sam’s mug message reveal; Got MILF?
    • 02:08:13 Caleb:“…I’ve been around this flat earth a few more times than you.”
    • 02:09:25 Laudna:“Beau!”
    • 02:10:41 Dorian plays fail music for Ashton
    • 02:11:42 Jester extracts the name of Ashton’s crush
    • 02:13:05 Tusk Love: A great guide on how to woo somebody
    • 02:14:17 Yasha approves the direct “face in boobs” approach
    • 02:15:12 A little dick for Ashton to pray on
    • 02:16:00 Sam’s evil laugh
    • 02:18:22 Scanlan defenses
    • 02:18:49 Cats and knocking things over
    • 02:19:52 Fjord’s cat allergies
    • 02:21:55 Beau:“If they tried to get into hand-to-hand combat, the best thing they should do is just go fetal.”
    • 02:24:42 Chetney:“One of your cats came by. It was making biscuits on my ass.”
    • 02:24:54 Caleb is a C-POPper
    • 02:25:52 Chetney actually cares what Caleb’s name is suddenly
    • 02:27:03 Fan Art Moment Caleb commissions a ‘Nein Hellz’ design from Chetney for if they survive the coming conflict
    • 02:29:54 Ashley:“Caleb has the fifth egg.”
      Robbie:“There are some eggs up there.”
    • 02:31:24 Chetney’s attempt at Zemnian
    • 02:33:53 Fearne fails again to steal a CPOP egg
    • 02:34:54 Fearne:“I want one of The Five!”
    • 02:35:44 Sam’s Caduceus is suspiciously similar to Keanu Reeves
    • 02:35:55 Braius:(greeting)“Moo.”
    • 02:38:15 Braius and Caduceus talk about faith a bit
    • 02:40:18 Braius:“Is fusaka good?” (reference to Spice, aka Marquesian Fusaka)
    • 02:41:15 Caduceus:(scoffs)“Good, bad. The options are what you need.”
    • 02:44:02 Braius:“‘Paladin of the Hells’ sounds great…Lechaim.”
    • 02:45:12 Beauregard gives some insight into her missions to investigate Ludinus Da’leth for the Cobalt Soul.
    • 02:46:14 Yasha invites Imogen to ‘bunk’ with her and Beau. Laudna is invited, too.
    • 02:47:06 Fearne:“Fucking shit. I just want to start my collection. I want the real collection. I want all five.”
      Travis:“Fucking Thanos, over here.”
    • 02:48:05 The Quest for Chetney’s Eggs
    • 02:49:42 Braius:“Forfeit.”
    • 02:50:31 Matt mimes the xenomorph from the Alien films to accompany Laudna’s declaration of “Babe. Sex.”
    • 02:52:00 Caleb’s Zemnian password translates to “gone, but not forgotten”
    • 02:52:48 Liam asks for perception checks in his infinite space room
    • 02:54:15 Caleb explains he is aware of Imogen’s difficult position with her mother as a double agent. “Follow your heart. Power is an illusion.”
      Imogen:“Says one of the most powerful guys I’ve ever met.”
    • 02:58:03 Caleb:“The gods were never my specialty. I know very little about them.”
    • 02:59:39 Caleb busts out an Intuit Charge scavenged from the ruins of Aeor and gives it to Imogen.
    Intuit Charge

    a magical explosive device created by Aeorian mages during the Age of Arcanum. When triggered, it deals a significant amount of psychic damage to creatures within 300 feet who then must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, taking 10d10 psychic damage on a failure and half as much on a success. Any creature that failed a saving throw is additionally stunned for one minute and can repeat the saving throw at the end of each turn to try to end the effect.

    • 03:01:00 Imogen recounts the recent Trial of the Raven Queen to Caleb
    • 03:03:34 Laudna tries Zemnian:“fish baiter.” (bis später)
    • 03:06:08 Braius gets the newly upgraded d12 Bardic Inspiration from Dorian along with a Guidance from Jester.
    • 03:08:00 Pâté appears briefly before Fjord obliterates them with an Eldritch Blast
    • 03:08:51 Jester:“She doesn’t know it’s actually Artie, though.”
    • 03:09:10 The Weasel
    • 03:10:30 Chet spends the night whittlin’ in the buff (nude)
      Chetney:“I send a cat away for a shot of ayahuasca and I just fuckin’ let it roll.”
    • 03:11:56 The Dorym Moment begins
    • 03:13:52 Dorian:“You are the reason I’m here. You’ve always been the reason I’m here.”
    • 03:16:58 Orym stays up a little longer, with his fingers intertwined with Dorian’s, thinking,
      “This is okay.”
    • 03:19:14 Matt:“I. Love. My. Friends.”