Built on unearned hype.

  • EldritchFeminity
    2 hours ago

    The underlying point misses why people have problems with the current AI bubble. I’ll cheer when they replace CEOs with AI - it seems like the best job to be replaced with LLMs and would save companies billions of dollars that could be used to improve the lives of workers. There’s tons of AI being used for all kinds of cool things already like spotting cancer in MRIs.

    The issue people have with AI isn’t the tech. It’s who’s making it and why. It’s not being used to make life easier and better, it’s being used to cut decent paying jobs and commodify part of the human experience, all while making big profits without paying the people whose work was stolen to make those profits.

    It’s just a different flavor of the fast fashion industry stealing high fashion designs and churning out their cheap knockoffs from factories in China where they don’t have to worry about things like safety standards or paying their workers a living wage.

    • aesthelete@lemmy.world
      48 seconds ago

      The issue people have with AI isn’t the tech.

      I have multiple issues with the tech:

      1. It’s based upon a giant theft and mass violation of copyright laws as well as the licenses of lots of open source software.

      2. It’s ClippyGPT and much of the output is either hallucinations or trite non-sense that sounds like it was cooked up in the most bureaucratic weak-willed corporate boardroom.

      3. Its massive energy footprint to inefficiently solve math equations (for instance) is completely and thoroughly ridiculous.

      4. I don’t want to type bullshit into a chat bot in order to look something up…this is a step below even the absurd modern substitute for documentation of “go watch this 2 hour YouTube video on my development framework”

      5. “Miniature model” and “fine-tuned model” results could have been much more easily achieved by just having functional site / domain search engines. I feel like the open source part of the industry chased Google until it got to Lucene and then decided that an open source altavista was completely fine and dandy and stopped pursuing the goal of making their own searches functional. So people had to continue to use Google until now when Google has enshittified into a crappy, worse AI model for search.