• @Lanthanae
    41 year ago

    The world of front-end frameworks/libraries not built in JS/TS is so foreign to me but I’m interested in checking it out. Thanks for the links!

    • Zeerooth
      31 year ago

      You’re welcome! Yeah, I don’t think that JS and its frameworks are going anywhere anytime soon as the whole ecosystem is just so massive, but it’s cool to try something new from time to time, isn’t it? wasm is especially cool because it’s much more performant that JS, so I’ve seen it’s already being used quite extensively with games and 3d apps for the web but that’s mostly it for now, unfortunately 😅

      • @Lanthanae
        31 year ago

        Personally, I think non-JS web technologies will become a lot more prevalent once web-gpu takes off…either that or someone will just make UnrealEngine.js as if the JavaScript ecosystem isn’t already enough of a Frankenstein’s Monster.

        • Zeerooth
          21 year ago

          That’s very much possible but also not really idk, webGPU seems like a new generation of webGL and while some engines supported exporting to it, such as Unity, others didn’t and idk if that’ll change. Because in the end, as far as I understand, webGPU is only a specification for interacting with GPU and displaying graphics, shaders and stuff like that, while all the backend code with game scripts, logic, AI et all has to still be ported to JS, which is ehhhhh not that great. And wasm can interop with webGPU anyway

          • @Lanthanae
            21 year ago

            Yeah I meant more that the ability to have gpu-intensive content on the web will spur development of non-JS web tech to enable it to be leveraged more effectively, not that it would instantly allow thinks like Unity to just be moved over to the web as-is.

            I definitely wasn’t clear in my wording lol.

            • Zeerooth
              21 year ago

              Ah it’s fine, I thought that when you mentioned UnrealEngine.js as a thing which was a pretty interesting thing to think of lol. But yeah, otherwise I agree with you, we’ll see what the future brings, I just hope my precious firefox and mozilla will be able to keep up with all these new technologies and that dominance that chromium has recently.

              • @Lanthanae
                21 year ago

                Agreed. Tech advancement is awesome, but I also worry about FOSS keeping up with it.