A district judge in Wisconsin has sided with an 11-year-old trans girl over her use of the girls’ toilets and temporarily blocked school officials from preventing her access.

    • @throbbing_banjo@lemmy.world
      111 year ago

      Yeah you’re right, being trans isn’t even a thing, it’s all just perverted teenage boys who want to… Hear girls pee, I guess?

      Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? If you find sexual gratification being in the same room where members of the opposite gender take a shit in a closed stall, you go ahead and be as pervy as you fucking want with it, but stop projecting your weird scat fetish on everyone else and just let people go to the god damn bathroom.

    • @Ryumast3r@lemmy.world
      111 year ago

      What is the issue you have with it, really? You think that people are going to go into the bathroom and do something nefarious?

      Before asking us why we think it’s okay, let’s really drill down into what you’re so worried about.

    • @ThatGirlKylie@lemmy.world
      101 year ago

      Well if they aren’t a boy then it wouldn’t matter and I would be fine with my daughter sharing a locker room/bathroom. I’m more worried about her being shot and killed than someone who is trans in the bathroom with her.

      People don’t just wake up one day and go “I’m a girl! Hyuk! I’m going to go be a girl just to get in the bathroom! Hyuk!”

      People don’t do that, especially trans people. Get your head out of your ass.

    • @Metatronz@lemmy.world
      71 year ago

      Guess your parents never read classics to you like: Everyone Poops. Or the wonderful sequel: Everyone Farts.

      We’re just people and socializing these potty hangups is pretty childish.

    • Two things to ponder if you dont understand why people might answer “yes.”: Boys pissing in public on trees and in bushes is a normal thing, especially among circles expressing concern about a society that acknowledges trans people exist. Boys using toilets is a plus, at all ages. Second: every Porta potty in existence seems to operate with its gender neutrality without the same kind of panic. If you can square these two notions: Boys using a toilet isn’t odd, strange, or worth a moral panic. You might then see your question isn’t about toilets, and about gendered space and how important it is to have spaces that are exclusive and exclusionary based on something like gender, (or even… other things!)

    • BrerChicken
      41 year ago

      When that happens we can talk about why it happened, and how it was handled. But it’s simply not a thing that happens unless it’s some anti-trans activist trying to prove a point!

    • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      Why do questions like this always sound like the person asking is just putting a question mark at the end of something they’ve considered doing?