I got this little Echeveria for free from a large supermarket giving them away. It is obviously in very poor condition but I wanted to try to nurse it back to health. Ive grown many things but succulents are not one of them. Looking for advice on how I might give this little guy the best chance possible.

First obvious problem is they overwatered the crap out of them. Currently letting it dry out next to my Aerogarden so it gets plenty of light.

  • @PlaidBaron@lemmy.worldOP
    21 year ago

    Thanks for the advice! I dont want to repot it right away but when its looking better I will.

    Do you think a growlight will give it what it needs? I dont have a great window to put it on. The grow light is on for 15 hours each day.

    • @Irulebabey@lemmy.world
      21 year ago

      I dont have experience with grow lights, but am interested to hear how it works for you! My friend has some tropical plants under a grow light in his office and they do really well. Id think that you should be fine.

    • Canadian_anarchist
      111 months ago

      If you’re grow light is full spectrum, it should be fine. Echeveria have high light needs.