Article by GameDeveloper: The CEO of game publisher Tiny Build has boasted that his company uses ChatGPT in order to surveil their employees in order to find what amounts to grounds to fire them. CEO backpedals and claims his statements were “hypothetical”.

  • Kasumi
    111 year ago

    Anyone telling you that “AI” is going to do anything but significantly destroy livelihoods and the creative fields is either A: Lying / stand to gain from their proliferation, B: Propagandized and/or so stupid they aren’t worth engaging with.

    It’s exhausting but hey, you’re a “Luddite” if you disagree with these “tools.” Also loving the fact that half the tech dipshits spouting Luddite had never peaked at American labor history in their lives until taking pieces out of context benefits them. Trash people.

    • @squirrelOPM
      41 year ago

      At this point “Luddite” is a compliment.

      • @geminironin
        51 year ago

        I mean… They were right about machinery replacing them and creating inferior goods. Now people are concerned that “AI” will replace them and create inferior works, which capitalists have been taking every opportunity to do.

        • @squirrelOPM
          41 year ago

          Yeah, it is really just another step in the never-ending march of capitalism: People being replaced by machines owned by plutocrats in order to maximise their profits.