For me Reddit was always the place where you can find firsthand raw experience. A place where people are free to share and ask questions. A place where you can seek support and find a feeling that you’re not alone. I thought it would be nice to find something similar here.

So anyway some time ago I was struggling through the consequences of a bad drug trip. I was experiencing a bad case of depersonalisation and derealisation. I was almost at the verge of breakdown. At some point I wasn’t sure if reality was a stable thing or was about to shatter any moment.

It was r/drugs who helped me realise I wasn’t alone in that, nor was I having the worst. It helped me identify the substance and understand how it affected me. I browsed through the stories similar to mine, and it finally gave me a piece of mind and a sense of closure. it’s been over a decade since I had the last psychotic episode.

Bottom line, I though it would be cool if we shared some personal stories about how did Reddit community help you through tough times.

    51 year ago

    Reddit turbocharged my startup business. I’m going to miss it for that. I didn’t need Reddit, and I could have survived without someone posting me to a particular city’s sub, but everything changed after it happened.

    It’s still fun and hard to think about because I had truly convinced myself that I was an idiot and that I was going to fail at life. I lived with a lot of smart people in college, some of them are very accomplished. When everything happened I felt so vindicated.

    Y’all. Forbes wrote about that business. The most significant thing Reddit helped me through was realizing that I wasn’t a failure but that my time hadn’t come yet.