I’ve lived in Australia for over 5 years now and I’ve never seen this bug before. Tried all sorts of Google search keywords to no avail.
Found it hanging on my window. I live in Central Victoria.
Does anyone know what this is?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe a Neoaratus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoaratus
A type of robberfly. They are not as obvious as dragonflies but still relatively common. I’ve seen them in NSW several times. Granted, the more urban the surroundings the less I see them so perhaps that’s something to take into account.
Government surveillance drone
Pretty sure it’s a Zosteria https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zosteria
Looks like: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neomochtherus
This is lovely, thank you all for the responses! I’ve done a little bit of reading up on robber flies and decided that it was a good idea I didn’t go outside to take photos in case it decided to bite me for getting too close… I’m allergic to bug bites, and this might send me over the edge.
I like small-legged animals except what some of them do to me.
Cheers, everyone, for showing/teaching me a new animal.