Here is today’s puzzle! Best viewed on desktop, and I’m hoping we’ll get some changes to the way we input words coming soon!
Hope you enjoy and it’s a touch easier than last week’s Monday puzzle!
Solve the grid using the clues provided. The direction of the word is indicated by the number around the grid (so some words are backwards).
After you complete the grid, click the pencil icon tab at the bottom to switch over to solve the anagram. The title is a hint to the anagram!
I got today’s one!
Excellently done!! The first of many I hope 🙂
8:13. The anagram took me quite a while today.
I struggled with the anagram and now I’ve solved it I don’t quite get the clue.
Salamanders can drop and regrow their tails, and you could say it’s a gambit and perhaps it’s risk (i.e. a gamble) to commit to regrowing a tail in a bid to escape…?
My thought process for the title is that you shouldn’t be able to solve the puzzle directly from it, but that it makes sense in retrospect and is an attempt to create that “aha!” moment when you solve the anagram and can validate your thinking with the puzzle title. I know I don’t always knock that out of the park, but in this case you’re completely on the money.
!A salamander dropping its tail is, in my mind, a gamble that the predator will be distracted/sated with the tail so that the salamander can get away instead of being eaten, and the title itself allows for a bit of obfuscation in the sense that people can bet on coin flips or “gamble on heads or tails”.!<
Ah, then that’s fair enough! So more of a check than a straight-up cryptic clue, then.
I greatly enjoy these! Note for anybody trying today’s, the clues for 2 and 3 have issues. The up/down and left/right are switched for both.
Yikes! Fixed the clues, thanks for that flag! Very pleased to hear you’re enjoying them 🙂