… This, as in this image is so full of bullshit that it seems to me to be a psyop, intentionally designed to spread mis/disinfo and thus chaos.
(Not angry at OP, angry at whoever actually originally made this, OP obviously posted it in 4chan fails for a reason)
If you are a well trained sniper using an extremely stable tripod mount, yeah, you can sight in a weapon, aim it precisely at a stationary target, and then fire with your head a bit further back from the scope.
That may in fact actually help you be in a body position/configuration to do a more clean trigger pull and thus avoid accidentally jerking the weapon.
Were… thermal sights… even used by the Secret Service?
Why would they? It is broad daylight with clear visibility.
Accoding to:
This is the scope on the Secret Servicemen’s rifle:
… The… company that makes the scope is just called Nightforce.
It wasn’t an actual thermal scope. Just a regular (well, pretty high quality) optical scope.
If I make a pencil and call it the LiquiGel Pencil, because my company mainly makes liquid based pens… thay does not make the pencil a liquid based pen. Its just a fucking brand name.
… A well trained marksman can definitely make a shot at that range through a bit of foliage on a tree, which moves slightly with the wind to show you where your target is… given the zoom power and quality of the scope, rifle and tripod set up. He also had a buddy beside him with a rangefinder, as is standard practice for sniper teams.
In fact, it may actually be so close that the Sec Srvc sniper actually made the shot while looking through the micro holo/red dot/reflex sight mounted on top of the more higher powered scope, check the much higher quality image from link 1 to see it.
Does this image that purports to show an ‘exit would through the neck’ … actually do that?
No, not at all.
For starters, … no, there is no visible wound to the neck in that image.
Secondly, Crooks is very obviously covered in blood… coming from his ear, his mouth, his nose.
That is all what you would expect from a massive bullet wound to … you know, the top of the head.
That is not what you would expect from a neck wound.
Was Crooks shooting blanks and thats why we don’t see recoil?
Firstly, the 5.56 cartridge… doesn’t really have much visible recoil when fired from a prone supported position, if you’re even a moderately competent shooter.
You can easily find a million videos on youtube of people at a range shooting an ar 15 from a prone position, and see that there is barely any visible recoil.
Secondly… blanks have gunpowder in them, just no bullet. They… still have some felt recoil anyway.
Positing ‘blanks’ as the reason a gun has no recoil is nonsensical.
Was Trump actually shot?
He got astoundingly lucky, turned his head the moment before the shooter fired.
If a bullet just barely grazes past you, such that it basically just scrapes you, with only fractions of a milimeter actually touching you, this will create a very slight superficial wound.
If the area wounded is your ear… your ear has a ton of very small capillaries right at the surface of the skin. If they’re ruptured, they’ll bleed easily, and bleed fairly profously.
EDIT: Probably also worth noting: The older a person is, generally speaking, the more easily their skin can injured or wounded from things a younger person would shrug off. Trump was 77 years old when this happened.
The bullet didn’t ‘pierce his ear’.
Imagine a drill press, with a sharp drill bit, spinning rapidly.
Now imagine that spinning drill bit ever so slightly grazes, nicks your finger because you moved your finger just a bit too close to where you were trying to drill a hole.
Ok, now imagine the drill bit is oriented in the direction of the bullet’s travel, and this time its Trump’s ear that just barely gets scraped as the bullet flies past his head.
Trump got astonishingly lucky and basically got a paper cut (technically more like micro friction laceraction) from a bullet, on his ear.
… Also, other people got shot and at least one died from other bullets fired by Crooks. People in the stands, in the audience, in locations that make sense with Crooks’ shooting location, the trajectories make sense.
So fucking tired of this horseshit, still mad at all the libs and lefties that abandoned all critical thinking and suddenly became subject matter experts on firearms when they very, very often know almost or even less than nothing about how firearms and shooting and gun related wounds actually work.
I’m a lefty who was raised in (and then rebelled against, after actually learning shit in college) a quite conservative family.
I was raised around guns, went on hunting trips, went to the range for fun, I have actual firearms and basic firearm related medical training and experience making use of both.
This is a (pun intended) weapons grade shitpost, chalk full of bullshit, that basically anyone with a decent level of actual gun related knowledge (or even a basic level of critical thinking, skepticism and curiosity) could easily debunk, but, as with so much disinfo bullshit, it stands a good chance at bamboozling those with no relevant knowledge whatsoever due to being full of technical sounding buzzwords mixed with lies, presented confidently.
This isn’t a dismissal of your point. But a bullet that comes that close to an ear will likely damage the inner ear from the shockwave of the bullet traveling faster than sound. If it’s close enough to just graze the soft tissue, it’s enough to rupture the inner ear. Hell, a . 50 round as big and fast as it is can tear skin tissue without even touching you.
Yes, Ive been shot at before. If it’s close enough, you can feel it. The ear, and to a lesser extent, the eye are the only areas I’d consider to be at risk from a near miss. But obviously the blood isn’t coming from his inner ear, it’s like it’s almost coming from the back of the ear at the 10 o’clock position if viewed straight on.
Again, I’m not dismissing your points, just giving additional info to one of them. And I am definitely not a crime scene investigator or anything. Personally, I don’t really know or care, what ifs aren’t something to be worried about at the moment. We need to fix our now and future, not fawn over what could have been.
Yes, you are correct that bullets displace the air they travel through, doing a kind of… hydrostatic shock as seen in ballistics gel, but to the air itself.
When a bullet isn’t subsonic (is supersonic), that’s generally fast enough that it creates an audible snap or crack from the air pressure gradient shifting so quickly, basically a micro sonic boom… and with particularly large/fast bullets, that effect on its own can damage soft tissue, and as you say, be loud enough to cause hearing damage (over pressure).
It is possible the bullet did not actually itself physically touch Trump’s ear, and that this micro shockwave of air displacement, from the bullet just barely missing his ear by… maybe up to a few centimeters for a 5.56 bullet?.. is actually what caused the capillaries in his outer ear to rupture.
The math on that is a bit more complicated to solidly verify the plausibility of that idea, but, yes, I agree that what you are saying is generally plausible, based in reality and not wildly speculative.
We need to fix our now and future, not fawn over what could have been.
I entirely concur.
This is way more rigor than this post deserves… but they are fails for a reason!
Obviously Trump wasn’t shot. That’s the problem.
I’m not saying that halfway crook was shooting blanks, but I have personally taught children (8-12) to make equivalent shots in less than thirty minutes. Now, training in a controlled environment is very different than making a shot in the real world, I’m specifically speaking of hunting. Some choke, some have nerves, and some decide that, actually, this course of action does not fit with their personal values. Knowing what we know about disturbed white male children and their exposure to firearms, the reality is, if he had actually wanted to shoot trump, he would have. He had a clear and excellent shot with ample time to execute. For whatever reason, he was not actually committed to the execution of his plan. That’s ultimately all that’s needed to know about that sad sack.
Crooks was a bullied loner nerd, who often had noticeable BO, often wore full hunting camo to school… and quite relevantly, performed so badly when trying to qualify at his high school’s rifle club that he was considered dangerous and asked not to return.
This is the kid (teen, adolescent, whatever) that not only would have failed your training, but acted so improperly you would have banned him from your range.
He basically was a weird dork who was actually quite bad at shooting, but wanted to project that um, ackshually, he is a very competent and skilled marksman, I’ll have you know.
He decided to suicide by cop / ‘show everyone once and for all how great of a marksman he is’ in the biglyest way possible.
He tried to shoot Trump and basically failed, because he sucked at shooting and did not value his own life, not because he was set up in some entrapment conspiracy.
Clowns like crook are easily manipulated and seek admiration. I don’t believe for a second that he was able to act so conspicuously without anyone being aware. Given the nature of fascist movements and his own professed fascist leanings, I believe it was allowed to occur.
…People did notice.
His position, on the roof with a gun, was filmed by other attendees, who then informed the police.
The problem that led to the event being ‘allowed to occur’ was basically a communication breakdown caused by poor management of the relevant security in the area.
You had the Secret Service detail, the local police, two snipers from the local SWAT team, and a bunch of other police from nearby precincts/counties… communication between all these people was not exactly great, many areas that one group thought was being covered by another group weren’t, and a big part of that was that the entire event was planned hastily, in a short amount of time.
Go watch the hearings that took place after this, its clear that many people mismanaged and rushed the planning and operations parts of the security scenario.
Anyway… by the time enough police near Crooks location had been informed of attendees seeing Crooks on the roof, with a rifle, the cops literally went up the ladder Crooks had set up, worked their way up to the roof where Crooks was.
Why did it take so long for the cops to realize a ladder against that building was suspicious, that Crooks wasn’t supposed to be there?
Because they didn’t even know where the counter snipers were actually set up, and were radioing everyone to figure out whether or not the reports of a rifleman on Crooks’ roof were part of their own security team or not.
When the cop climbing the ladder got his head up, he saw Crooks pointing his gun directly at him and instinctinvely ducked back down.
Crooks then hastily took his shots within seconds, and was then game overed by the Sec Srvc sniper who already had eyes on and was awaiting authorization to fire.
Sure, you could say this was allowed to happen in the sense of it being a shitshow of something like 4 or 5 different groups of security personnel being slapdashed into a makeshift plan…
… but there is no evidence of anyone having prior knowledge that specifically Crooks was planning this, there is no evidence Crooks was entrapped into doing what he did, no evidence any of the security team specifically looking the other way for specifically Crooks to get into position.
It was a collosal fuck up, not a plot.
If it was a plot to ‘almost’ assasinate Trump, it was an insane one. Trump was half an inch away from his head getting Gallagher smashed.
It makes no fucking sense to stage a fake assasination with such razor thin margins of error.
It makes no fucking sense to stage a fake assasination with such razor thin margins of error.
The theorists alleged that trump used a blood packet and he wasn’t actually shot at. But yeah, stupid overall.
Well he definitely wasn’t shooting blanks. There was that guy behind Trump who got shot.
I know. Reading is fundamental…