The same people who’ve been telling us how we can’t trust media from China because it’s state owned are now telling us that state owned media is the only way to fight disinformation. 🙃
counter disinformation
championing Western values
Pick one.
disinformationthings I don’t like and championWestern valuescapitalism.
Look, somebody has to tell the unwashed masses that Israel is our perfect baby who can do nothing wrong.
Russian and Chinese state media are spending an “eyewatering” £8bn a year, compared with the World Service’s £400m budget.
I mean, yeah, that’s kind of concerning. The reality is, whoever invests the most in propaganda is going to win.
No organization was spending more on foreign influence and media reportage than USAid. So of course the UK wants to fill the void. They’re the voice of Anglo Saxony! They don’t speak for this anglo-saxon (by heritage). /s