MTG killing kids now. Jesus, these people are catastrophically stupid.
And this is the “pro-life” party. 🤮
They only care about life when it’s a convenient tool for control
At least, stupid as they were, chicken pox parties before the vaccine were smarter than this, since chicken pox gets worse the older you are.
Measles is not like that. There is zero reason to “get it over with” even if you’re an antivaxxer.
She is truly not “smarter than a fifth-grader.”
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You know what? Go for it, Greene. Tell your constituents shit that will get them killed. Have at it. Go ham. This is what your constituents wanted. They must lie in the bed they’ve made.
And I hope they’re hurt. I hope family members of her constituents die to a disease that we have fully handled in this day and age, but that you’re far too fucking jaw-droppingly imbecilic to accept - either on evidence (which you enjoy ignoring) or on faith (which you profess to love). Go ahead. Ignore the science. Let your children and immunocompromised friends and family die. You so gleefully revel in causing pain in others. Now you’re causing pain to yourself. Fucking figure it out.
This is the “find out” part.
I mean this is unironically how it should go. People* don’t change because you tell them some good arguments. They change because they’ll be confronted by the consequences of their actions, and the hurt that comes along with it. It’s unfortunate but it has never been different for our species.
*if you are socialized in a way to see the value in good arguments, admitting of being wrong, then arguments may work. But not by default.
Let your children and immunocompromised friends and family die
Unfortunately, that’s the part that makes me unable to just laugh and say “have at it”. I can let my sympathies wane for those old enough to vote.
I’m on an immunosuppressant medication currently. I know perfectly well what I’m saying implies. My point is that they’re going to do it anyways, and since they are, I’m leaning in to the schadenfreude.
I’m on an immunosuppressant medication currently. I know perfectly well what I’m saying implies. My point is that they’re going to do it anyways, and since they are, I’m leaning in to the schadenfreude.
I’m down with that.
Klan Mom is spare parts.
Too. Much. Fun.
I hope she attends as a party clown.
She’s probably vaxxed, I’d wager.
She’s older than the antivax craze, sadly. So her parents likely screwed us all over by being responsible.
Yep, that’s how it goes with the anti-vaxx movement.
Gen 0 - lived with the reality that multiple people they knew died because of viruses and lined up to get vaxxed when they became available. Then went on to get their kids vaxxed because human ingenuity found a way to curb suffering.
Gen 1 - grow up and got their kids vaxxed because, while they might not have seen it first hand, they remember stories from their parents and were horrified. “Thank god we’re found a way to stop it!”
Gen 2 - get their kids vaxxed because they aren’t stupid, and it’s just become a routine part of raising a child.
Gen 3 - have the luxury of being so far removed from the horrific impact of these preventable virus’ that they decide vaccines should be optional because… “Don’t tell me what to do, science nerds”
have the luxury of being so far removed from the horrific impact of these preventable virus’ that they decide vaccines should be optional because… “Don’t tell me what to do, science nerds”
I remember some science-based podcasts talking how many vaccines are victims of their own success (this was the mid-00s when some of the Andrew Wakefield bullshit started getting visible traction with morons). Sure, a small percentage of people, if herd immunity remains high enough because everyone ELSE does the right thing, can opt out of vaccines and see no harm. If that number drops below a certain percentage, though, watch the fuck out, because people are going to get hurt and/or die.
Another place we can see this right now is the way people treat government - it’s essentially invisible when it’s working properly, hence it’s easy to claim it doesn’t do anything for you…
I see idiotic companies treat infrastructure like IT the same way - the money people start asking why they are paying for staff they don’t hear from, start trying to make cuts. And things might be okay…for a while. Until things aren’t. Often, the seagull managers that made such brilliant decisions have skated on out of there. If something catches fire before then, they are easily in a position where they can deflect blame onto others.
Yep. But there’s also a cross section of ages spewing propaganda. I mean, RFK Jr is ancient. He should remember the time of bloodletting yet here we are.
And the misinformation campaign is oppressive. When my first born was at his 6 month (?) pediatrician appointment, the doctor started in on, “I’m required to inform you that vaccination is a personal and religious choice …” I cut him off and said, “I believe in science” and I could see the immediate relief on his face. I don’t know what he didn’t have to say, but it surely wasn’t good.
I cut him off and said, “I believe in science” and I could see the immediate relief on his face.
I find it so fucking weird that it’s not the default position, but…I’m almost sure it’s not. Personally, I like to say science requires no belief, but merely accepting the evidence [1]…but the shorthand is usually easier.
Anyway, imagine going to a mechanic, and they give you some spiel about how “I’m required to inform you that oil changes are a matter of personal and religious choice…” 🤯
[1] This is only because some brainiacs like to pretend as if science and religion are just two sides of the same coin and both require belief. It’s really a way that they are telling on themselves and basically admitting they know nothing about basic principles of science…but you hear it all the time.
Personally, I like to say science requires no belief, but merely accepting the evidence
Oh good, I’m not the only one. Cheers, Chuck!
In what state is that, is that a law there?
They clearly didn’t use birth control, so irresponsible really.
This probably isn’t real, but if it were I wouldn’t be surprised
Klan Mom has a dad bod. 🤣
Somehow, that managed to make her more feminine.
LOL. Cannot stop laughing at the pic and that comment. 🤣
How could she possibly attend any other way?
A kid has already died from the latest outbreak [1] and this stupid bitch thinks it’s sad that people are criticizing PARENTS for killing their children.
[1] A disease we had thought was eradicated, by the way, thanks to the smart people who are educated and actually have expertise about things, back in 2000. But thanks to fucking IDIOTS like Klan Mom here, we are still talking about goddamn measles and dead children, because assholes like her and Bobby Brainworm brought it the fuck back. In 20 fucking 25.
You’d think Lancet retracting that famously fraudulent MMR study would have had a positive impact. Guess not.
Once something’s out there, you can’t do anything to convince people of the opposite. I think Wakefield even got convicted for this as well.
I swear it’s got to be endemic lead poisoning at this point
We should stop putting warning labels on all potentially dangerous products so natural selection can weed out MTG and people like her from the gene pool already.
Honestly, labels might encourage some of the stupider ones to drink it: “BIG BAD GUBBERMINT put this warning label on this here product! Well, I’m not going to be a cuck for the DEEP STATE! Fuck Fauci, George Soros and Bill Gates! They cannot tell ME what to do!” {chugs bleach}
Oh true, could switch up the strategy. Just start spreading that people who follow the warning labels and proper use guidelines are all beta cuck soy boys and they’ll take care of themselves lol.