In a way it’s a good thing that other countries are boycotting US products, they’ll avoid getting sick by eating American food.
So… no difference. 🤪
If you haven’t tried any yet, meat alternatives are really, really good now. Impossible meat, Quorn, and Seitan are all excellent alternatives, Quorn and Impossible in particular are, to me, indistinguishable from the real thing.
Impossible meat,
I remember reading that it may be even worse than regular meat because of all the artificial stuff they put into it. Is that still accurate or have they changed it? Last time I tried it, I thought it was great though.
Looking at the ingredients list for the burger and chicken nuggets, there’s nothing jumping out at me as particularly unhealthy. Perhaps the sunflower oil isn’t ideal for pan frying, as it’s not a particularly stable oil at high temps unless it’s the high-oleic varity, but the coconut oil will hold up fine. Considering red meat has some fairly solid evidence now of increasing cancer risk, I suspect an impossible burger is potentially healthier than a real one.
Beyond meat (the competitor to impossible) used to use some nasty oils that would oxidize during cooking and become quite unhealthy, but they recently reformulated using avacado oil, so they’re pretty solid now too, health wise. I think they have a slightly off flavor compared to impossible though.
I think they have a slightly off flavor compared to impossible though.
Yeah, unless they’ve changed things very recently, Beyond Burger has an aftertaste that I’m not wild about.
Good to know. thank you!
I don’t think it’s meant as a health food, as far as reality goes, as well as their basic stance, IIRC. It’s more about offering up the occasional option.
Personally, I treat it the same way as I would beef, if I still ate it - something to eat every once in a great big while. Usually, I’ll take that option if I’m eating somewhere with omnivores and the menu options are rather narrow…we also have some in the freezer at the house, but I maybe have one a month? Back when I still ate beef - a long time ago - I’d eat burgers at maybe about the same rate.
With the jamokes they have running things now - even if I was an omnivore, there is no way you could get me to eat ground beef at a restaurant or cooked at home from the grocery store. It was already a rather high-risk item for fecal matter and so on. With these deregulation-addicted goons and people actively trying to break every government service, I’d say that risk is set to skyrocket.
Guess we’re doing listeria/samonella/botulism/etc. now.
Happened in his first term as well. Out of control.
It’s a good time for people to steer themselves away from depending on the factory farm system
Thank you for this. My community can pool resources and share.
You’re welcome!
campolybacter, E.COLI o15h7 strain(aka shiga toxin), probably shigella too. plus rfk jrs favorite worms in meat. probably started reccommended eating WILD cetaceans.
Listeriamania. One of my favorite Phoenix songs
Don’t forget bird flu.
Tick tock! 😷
Safety, schmafety.
And then the Orange Führer asks WHY Europe doesn’t want to import American foodstuffs.
Keep your pink sludge, thank you very much
The USA had food safety?
what could go wrong
Perhaps they’re culling the herd (of people)
They sure are doing what they can to “make america healthy again”… by trying to permanently reduce the number of people with health conditions.
“Streamline,” they say.