The world-building doesn’t quite make sense, the plot doesn’t quite make sense, but they are all-in on the visuals.
I’ve recently made a couple “themes over visuals” recommendations so I figured I’d throw in a “visuals over themes” type of movie to see if anyone cares. This is me getting a feel for what type of posts people want to see here. Also, I’m trying to make movie recommendations that are actually available for streaming. There are other movies I want to recommend, but if you can’t watch them anywhere I figure it doesn’t really help anyone.
You can watch it on RedBox
Arrrr matey, you should make those recommendations even if they’re not available for streaming 👀👀
Doing both substance over style AND style over substance recommendations is fun! great post!
Also I agree with the other commenter, its worth recommending them anyway- even if ignoring piracy, you never know if you might see a copy at a thrift store or yard sale, or meet a friend who has them, etc.
Looks like it’s worth a watch, thanks ID! And I appreciate covering the visuals over themes movies as well, they can be fun to watch as well as the weightier films