Panel 1:
Mr. Block burning a copy of the International Worker: This anarchist paper from Spokane is the limit. It says a working man can’t get rich by saving his money. T’aint so.
Panel 2:
Mr. Block reading a different paper: Here’s a respectable paper. It says everyone can be successful if he only makes up his mind. That’s the dope.
Panel 3:
Mr. Block: There’s success staring me right in the face. I am going to invest my savings at once.
Panel 4:
Investor: Thank you, Mr. Block
Mr. Block: it took me ten years of hard labor to save it.
Panel 5:
Mr. Block: The ambition of my life will soon be realized. I will be rich and won’t have to work anymore. I will build a nice house and enjoy life. Hurrah!
Panel 6:
The investment company explodes
Investor flying away in an airship: Meet me in Monte Carlo.
Mr. Block: Busted!