National security, eh? Were Epstein and friends trading enriched uranium and defense secrets between fucking children and doing drugs? Who woulda known…
How could literally anything in those docs be related to national security? Everyone knows it’s got nothing to do with national security and everything to do with protecting the rich and powerful (including a pretty good chance Trump is featured prominently in there).
Trump is America, at least according to Trump, so anything that is bad for his security is bad for National Security. See? Simple logic.
Epstein had black mail material that is of interest to national 3 letter agencies?
Krasnov Trump and vance are probably involved.
So does the Attorney General know that the Department of Justice is supposed to perform investigations and arrest people if there is evidence of illegal activity?
Releasing this shit over and over just says ,“here’s shit we didn’t find any illegal activity in and we are redacting information that might be tied to illegal activity” or “we don’t know how to read so can you maybe tell us what these words mean?”
Cowards. What are you hiding?
America is fucking gross.
Well, we sorta know what they’re hiding