This is what it takes sometimes. These people’s hatred and intolerance was so strong, they literally had to be forced at gunpoint into doing the right thing.
Eisenhower had many faults, but at least he knew how to deal with situations like this.
The fact that white people were upset to the point of the military coming in is insane. Wonder how the military acted?
Only two racists were wounded over the course of the escort, one by buttstock, one by bayonet, but that was enough to ward them from further attempts. While only white soldiers were deployed in the escort to minimize pretenses for racist agitation, these men were from a unit integrated with significant numbers of Black soldiers, whom they lived and trained with day-to-day.
I still remember a report I did on ruby bridges in school
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate your daily posts on lemmy and educating me! :)
While only white soldiers were deployed in the escort to minimize pretenses for racist agitation, these men were from a unit integrated with significant numbers of Black soldiers, whom they lived and trained with day-to-day.
That’s really interesting!
Thanks for sharing! I really appreciate your daily posts on lemmy and educating me! :)
Always happy to share a little historical trivia! 🙏