Here on Lemmy you can add an image and weblink to a post instead of having to add the weblink into the description.
What do you mean by safe? The linked readme has no mention of safety.
RiMusic Innertune Also players for YouTube music and don’t require account
Innertune and its fork with the same name haven’t been able to play music for me since weeks. Just cached and downloaded tracks.
YouTube keeps changing something and then those apps stop working, just a heads up for people, get used to this happening occasionally.
Well yeah that’s true newpipe suffer from same problem
Is it good or bad that there are too many YouTube clients with too little discerning features? Not trashing on OP’s project.
Good because there’s enthusiasm for being able to use YouTube music without paying the subscription, but I agree that it’s a shame everyone seems to be more into doing everything by themselves rather than contributing to a single piece of software and keeping it stable, featureful, but most importantly working.
Up to now I probably switched apps 6 times: Vimusic -> Innertune -> Innertune fork -> SpMp -> Rimusic -> Harmony Music (Plus others that I just tried for a few days at most)
There is also Simpmusic that can stream from YT Music and Spotify. I personally use OuterTune though.
No i just made a mistake is tentimes better And also for youtube
So, not safe at all. 😄
Any upsides compared to revanced youtube music? (patched version of official client without requiring subscription to use)
Well its faster And is cuter Its 5 mb And it doesnt need any microg And it also has a max quality option which is still beta But its really awesome And it also caches the songs once you hear them so you dont need to download them again for listening the second time
I’ve been using with PowerAmp or iPod 5th gen Rockbox, has worked great.
(Though my iPod had a problem playing flacs, probably because it was running out of RAM or something, uploaded the music using Rhythmbox on Linux, which uploaded the files as mp3-s that it could then play)
I play FLAC via Rockbox with a 5th gen iPod Video and it’s able to keep up. I did find that if the music files have the album art embedded in them (especially high resolution art) that it SERIOUSLY bogs down the iPod as it tries to downsize the photo. Once I fixed that, it plays FLAC just as promptly as any mp3.
Lucida is awesome, I’ve also used which worked excellently.
Wow man this website is awesome
Anything that uses Google API with your own domestic IP is like using a condom with a small hole in it. Not much will leak through but just enough to make you unprotected. And now if you do use a VPN, they would cock block you one day or another.
Agreed im starting to use And