“There’s no diversity in the half time show. DEI only goes one direction and this horrible halftime show perfectly represents why DEI needs to die,” a user wrote.
So it’s a report on the reactions to the show on X. Who would have thought they wouldn’t like an all-black half time show?
I’m actually thrilled that they’ve managed to ringfence themselves off into an increasingly toxic cesspool.
Now we just need to get the people that write articles like this is correctly add that context and say “10 hilarious ways X users whine about Superbowl Halftime Show. Number 4 will make you piss yourself laughing.”
Your comment made me piss myself laughing. 👍
I looked the Irish star up, and it’s owned by the same company as the daily mirror and daily star. So my guess is it’s purpose is to amplify bots that complain about dei. Making those complaints seem more abundant than they are.
I’m sure these true warriors for diversity would complain equally vehemently if it was all white.
They for sure have problems with the lack of representation at Carrie Underwood concerts.
genuinely on some level they do. she doesn’t have a penis or testicles or present as male. they’ll tolerate female artists… for now
As a white person I couldn’t give one fuck whether performers at an overblown sporting event are white or not.
People really have this kind of time? Also as someone who’s home constantly: get a life.
Agreed, Kendrick Lamar is of course going to have black stage dancers, his music is directly about and influenced by black culture after all.
Everyone knows musical performances without white people being involved is racism!
This is why I refuse to go see a single performance by Stevie Wonder or even Ladysmith Black Mombaso.
I won’t even listen The Black Keys or Black Sabbath. You know, just in case.
You have to keep on your toes because they’ll try and trick you with Barry White and Frank Black.
“I am not black like Barry White, no I’m white like Frank Black is.”
White Stripes are probably ok though. Stripes indicate diversity, right?
How about how many black people were on the field playing? Were they okay with that, or are they just waiting for The Orange One’s comments on the subject?
any complainers can eat my cisgender white asshole
[rabble rabble]
DEI = anybody that is not white and/or male?
Most of the players seem pretty DEI in that case. Why are these people even fans?!?
they like their bloodsport. read chaingang allstars for more info
53% of the NFL identity as Black or African American. It is reasonably well known that the fan base is more affluent than other American sports. This is echos slavery. They complain only because the person they are paying to see perform isn’t performing the way they want.
No one said they had to watch the halftime show let alone the game itself.
yup. not every goddamn moment needs to be about you, chuds. how many performers have done the SB that your average kendrick enjoyer woulda hated
Hell even The Rolling Stones have performed… and they aren’t even American.
paul mccartney. fuckin paul mcartney. if you think paul mccartney had a better, more impactful show you can fuck right off. no his show wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t worthy of discussion. it was a consumable piece of content seen and then forgotten.
meanwhile kendrick gave us something to talk about. he pushed the envelope. it was dope. he even had uncle sam l jackson straight up telling us the point: it’s better to make some people uncomfortable and say something real than to just placate the masses. like… idk. if you can’t handle 10 minutes of challenging art in the middle of 4 hours of pro hegemonic propaganda, i refuse to give a shit about you
I made the mistake of visiting this link on mobile with ad block disabled. Holy shit, have things gotten bad.
Lately when I send links to family and friends I use Apple’s
format because I know they don’t have any blockers. I can’t in good conscience link someone to content that will profile them.Would sending an Internet Archive link work as well?
Next cornball middle aged white man in Carharts I hear whinging about their petty grievances with popular culture is getting an earful. I’m done with this asinine culture war garbage.
It isn’t about traditional values versus whatever. It’s bigoted infantile adults versus people who don’t need to be remind to wear pants before they leave the house.
I didn’t even make it that far because the commercials were fuckin horrific.
I stopped watching the NFL in general several years ago when they went to split screen to show a commercial during gameplay. I can’t even imagine how much worse it has gotten.
Look, I wasn’t a big fan of the half time show, either, but that’s because it was only one person and wasn’t a big spectacle. I think Kendrick absolutely crushed his performance, and the dancers and choreography were amazing; but it was like a really large music video and not a halftime show spectacle. If any other person had made a musical cameo besides the woman I didn’t know who sang two short lines, then it would have been better. The reason I say that is, in my unartistic opinion, Kendrick is a bit one-note; so adding another artist would have punched harder.
I knew people would complain about the lack of diversity on stage, but I also think it was completely intentional to make a point. I loved that aspect of it.
When all the coaches for the Kansas City Chiefs were walking to the field, I thought someone opened the diabetic clinic.
As someone who doesn’t watch sports, any good commercials this year?
I thought Homes.comisthebest.com was pretty clever 😂
I didn’t see most of them, but I was surprised that a local lawyer hired Charlie Berens for their ad.