These episodes live rent-free in my head.
These are such great episodes. The Enterprise one specifically is amazing. We so often see our valiant crew save Earth, but they almost never sacrifice their morals to do so.
For Archer, with practically all of humanity in the balance, how could he not fuck those guys over?
Ya that episode is great. It lurked in the back of my mind every episode afterward, always hoping to hear any sort of throwaway line about the fate of that ship.
They never canonically stated that they went back for them or anything?!
That’s what bothered me the most. Like okay, in the moment you gotta make a shitty call, I get it. But then never going back to make it right? What the hell is that? That could made a great ep in itself, where you have to deal with the price you paid in order to win.
But nothing, not even a throwaway line. Ugh.
It’s one of my favorite Star Trek episodes for that very reason. It’s an excellent trolley problem that forced Archer to do something bad to completely innocent people to save even more people.
“…And the worst part is I can live with it.”
LOL is this OC? Nicely done.
Haha yes, thanks. The power of a traumatic episode huh?
Beacons of trust and authority grappling with the morals of the extreme actions they have taken gotta be one of my favorite genders.
That’s the least of his crimes! He also created a living being as a slave with the express purpose of harvesting his organs and condemned the Valakians to a slow, painful species death based on a backwards understanding of evolution he heard from his idiot eugenics Dr.
Don’t even get me started on his ultimate crime - taking his dog down to that planet to get the alien virus!
I’m dying, this is a great rundown 😆🤣
I’m dying, this is a great rundown 😆🤣