They say that escapism media tends to be a response to the particular anxieties of an era. Probably pretty telling that this looks like it’s going to be a multi-lateral, consensus-building, hope-inspiring take on Superman.
Truth, Justice, and [what we were sold as children should be] the American Way.
Also, KRYPTO! Dyno-Mutt and Blue Falcon movie when???
Didn’t actually watch the trailer to see if they use the old “American Way” slogan, but they changed it a few years back to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow” which I quite like
That is better, even just as a calculated marketing notion. The trailer didn’t actually have the slogan, just very traditionally wholesome Superman imagery, stuff like Supes being saved by a happy superdog, taking a big hit to save a child, hanging out on the Smallville porch with Pa Kent, that sort of thing. There are also at least two costumes in the trailer, and one of them is very old-timey with square-cut trunks.
Seems like Gunn has been tasked with channeling the Christopher Reeve movies and rebooting the Justice League (hopefully not entirely in in a single movie again), and doing all of it with more heart than the Snyderverse take on DC. Tall order, but he has shown he knows how to deliver the Superhero goods that the studios want while playing around on the edges enough to keep the formula fresh, so I might actually watch this one.
Why not use the old cartoon version. “Truth, Justice, and Peace.”
Forgot that Krypto was in this
I’m apparently the only one who thinks this looks fucking awful. The suit looks like shit which is a pretty major no no. The effects look on par with Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern. The casting leaves an enormous amount to be desired. I’ve never seen the chick playing Lois be believable in anything, nevermind good. The dude playing Clark looks like a teenager and the guy playing Lex somehow looks worse than Eisenberg which I didn’t think was possible, also looking like a damn child. They decided to full on rape the John Williams theme into something horrific. And that’s just criticising what’s in the trailer, not the trailer itself which is barely watchable garbage that gives way too fucking much information about the movie away.
James Gunn is hit or miss, rarely with a meh. This does not look like a fucking hit to me. This looks like a confusing jumble of a movie and trying to slap the same Guardians of the Galaxy energy to it. Please explain to me when the hell Superman ever had the same energy as Peacemaker or Guardians of the Galaxy?
This is a joke. It isn’t Superman. It’s a James Gunn self-congratulatory, masturbatory piece of garbage. This looks like shit. Just another cranked out Superman movie I’ll put on the shelf next to Superman Returns.
I also don’t find this appealing. I won’t agree with all of your reasons.
This being the 9th(?) live-action Superman is one of the largest contributors though.
Also, are you trashing this and saying you’ll still see it then buy the dvd?
No, I’m saying it’d be relegated to the same position on the shelf. Metaphorically. It looks like trash and I have zero hope for this when it’s giving me the exact same low-energy, low-effort garbage vibes as Superman Returns did.
Also: how many bad guys can you shove into a single movie? This looks like 4 movies worth of bad guys crammed into one.
It’s like Gunn forgot how to write for an individual character and NEEDS an ensemble now.
This is going to be awful and I’m kinda looking forward to gloating when it is.
That’s the spirit
Love you buddy, but I (mostly) disagree. There’s a few things that I think could be better, like casting, but overall I’m optimistic. It feels hopeful to me. Kind of tired of the drab, downright dirty looking costumes and looking forward to this brighter color palette. And his costume looks like the costume of maybe a hero starting out, which is how I’m taking it.
Guess we’ll see! If I’m wrong it wouldn’t be the first time.
This looks genuinely cool.
Looks pretty dope. Too bad my mom won’t let me watch DC movies after how bad Batman v Superman was.
Is your mother’s name MARTHA?
I cringed so hard
Sharing my comment[0] from !
I loved the teaser, but the thought that kept running through my head was that, aside from the style, colour palette, and a more varied supporting cast, this iteration feels very similar to the previous one: We still have a serious, bruised Superman enduring the public’s ire.
I find it ironic, given that the main critique of the character over the past decade was precisely this portrayal.
Perhaps the full trailer will distinguish the themes better.
Either way, I look forward to the movie.
this trailer tells me nothing. my only interaction with superman is some comics from the 60s, so i know krypto the wonder-dog, but since when is “there is a dog” something that you put triumphant music over?
since when is “there is a dog” something that you put triumphant music over
Since today, LOL.
The general vibe here is that this Suprman is good and kind, and the trailer is directly tying that notion to triumph. We’ll see if the movie bears that out (and if it’s just generally any good). Watching the trailer, I assume there’s going to be a part either at the beginning or in the middle where a set-piece in the more muted Snyder-y action-y suit is going to go very wrong and provoke a period of reflection, but I assume he’ll accept his inherent cheesy goodness by the last act.
the vibe i got is that he’s angry and stressed…
this trailer tells me nothing
In the day and age where trailer seems to be oversharing info in multiple trailers, this is good news to me. And as always i’ll stop watching any trailer after this.
Looks pretty good (please dont suck please don’t suck)
Seeing Nathan Fillion with a bowl cut really throws me off. I think he would have been a better Hal Jordan.
I’m glad this seems to be a comic book Superman and not another standalone origin story. IMO “Man of Steel” was pretty much the perfect solo superman origin story movie.
The costume looks like shit lol
I was expecting to hear “Do You Wanna Taste It” start playing during that closeup of Supe’s bloody mouth.
Not impressed, tbh , henry was a great superman, this one looks weak unfortunately