More progress on the Rotor/Motor factory, today. I’d say maybe halfway done with the cosmetics?
Basement floor (logistics for Motors, Depot, & Sink) is fully done, I think.
Also the first floor itself. Except for walls.
Also the top-most floor (Iron Ingot).
Also the logistics floor below that. And this sorta-balcony thing.
Some wide shots.
I’ve been wanting so badly to get back into the game with 1.0 (and now mod support), but just too many IRL projects to be able to dedicate the time this game absolutely requires. I hope I can still download it when I’m 50…
It’s beautiful
Hey nice to see it’s structurally sound now!
Gettin’ there ;)
bedside table
Hah! Little bit.
Me too using signs as ceiling lights now because they also brighten up, but don’t suck away all the performance. The devs really got to fix the lamps in game, something is not right on them being so taxing.
Not to mention how power-expensive they are.
Great job!