It appeared two days ago and slightly stings. It leaks tiny amounts of clear liquid… I make sure to rub it with alcohol.
I make sure to rub it with alcohol.
Could be why it’s weeping. Alcohol may damage the tissue.
Alcohol hasn’t been recommended for cleaning wounds in quite a while. Same with peroxide. Both kill healthy tissue and delay the healing process.
So what so you use? I blast it with alcohol and then apply Neosporin or polysporin
Picture is way too poor to say anything other than see a doctor.
Like, it’s really the only good advice you can trust anyway, since you ain’t getting a good diagnosis like this, but it’s too blurry and badly lit to even give guesses.
That’s where the worm got in.
By definition it’s an ulcer if it doesn’t heal promptly, but that doesn’t tell you the cause. Don’t rub it with alcohol. You’d need to talk to a doctor to understand the etiology of it. Otherwise just clean it with sterile saline from the drug store and replace it’s dressing(in this case a band aid) periodically. A small amount of soap and warm tap water is also sufficient generally for anything superficial (but not antibacterial soap as that will delay healing similar to alcohol). If it becomes infected, you need an antibiotic. If you don’t figure out the cause from taking to a provider it could become bigger and worse. This is particularly true if you’re diabetic, have venous insufficiency, or peripheral artery disease. Overall though, it looks good, with plenty of good pink tissue and no eschar or signs of inflammation.
Thanks this is what I was looking for
My guess would be some form of contact dermatitis. Did you brush up against any chemicals or have you been walking in the woods with shorts on? Usually an wound like this will just heal in a few days if there isn’t an underlying cause. Stop putting alcohol on it. That just damages your bodies ability to heal the wound.
Go to a doctor or medical walk-in clinic
The internet cannot answer medical questions
See a gp if you are concered Put a plaster on it perhaps
It looks like it had a scab over it previously. Is that the site of an old wound? If so it may be scurvy, one of the effects are reopening of old wounds. The simplest fix is drink lots of natural orange juice and lemonade to up your vitamin C intake.
Choose your lemonade with care too - lots of lemonade these days has never been near an actual lemon in its life! did you get info from the doctor?
Nah it cleared up on its own. Was probably nothing.