This is like the Netflix “top 10 in your country right now” list.
Never have I felt more alienated from my fellow country people than by reading this list.
This is clearly a piss take list.
At least it’ll make it easier to identify the yanks larping as brits online (I think they call them “teaboos”) when they try quoting this uncanny-valley list of not-quite authentic bants
Reminder: The Grauniad is just journalists expressing concern about things they know four-fifths of fuck all about, and upper-middle class columnists who think they’re in touch with ordinary people because all their friends are also upper-middle class pretending to be in touch with ordinary people.
I mean, I agree with most of their biases, but the Grauniad is just so transparently shit at it all.
This list looks like it was written by a LLM.