• Carrolade@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    As of the 2020 census, there were 174,887 Palestinian-Americans. That is around 0.05% of the population, and puts them between the populations of the Cherokee and Choctaw tribes.

    Now I feel for the plight of the Palestinian people. But it’d be foolish to think Palestinian-Americans have a major role in the country. I’m fully supportive of divesting from Israel, but I am not supportive of catering to a tiny minority just because of the victimhood of their homeland. They deserve around as much voice as Sudanese-Americans, even if they complain 10x as loudly due to massive amplification from various anti-Israeli factions.

    • rockSlayer@lemmy.world
      29 days ago

      Every single Palestinian American has either had their parents/grandparents displaced, or were displaced themselves, by the 75 year occupation since the Nakba. They are intimately connected to the genocide. That’s like saying we shouldn’t do anything about the Holocaust because Jewish Americans aren’t a big voting bloc.

      • Carrolade@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        Note, I said I am supportive of divesting from Israel. Expecting a speaking position at the DNC just because your people are at war is itself not “doing anything” though.

        I remember the genocides in Rawanda, Yugoslavia, SE Asia, Darfur which has resumed again. Uyghers. They didn’t get speaking positions.

        Stop the genocide, yes. Make Palestinians special, no.

    • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
      27 days ago

      America is directly funding the genocide of Palestinians

      American citizens’ tax dollars are being used to kill tens of thousands of children

      I’m sorry you consider solidarity with the Palestinian plight “catering to a tiny minority.” If the Cherokee or Choctaw people were victims of an active genocide using US weapons would you say the same?

      • Carrolade@lemmy.world
        27 days ago

        I don’t support it, I’ve said several times now I support divesting from Israel. I’m just realistic enough to acknowledge that you need the support of the masses before you can convince leadership. Expecting a high degree of prominence without doing your legwork first is a recipe for failure, and more Palestinian deaths.

        • Keeponstalin@lemmy.world
          27 days ago

          Do you support an arms embargo or conditional military aid and a permanent ceasefire?

          The Uncommitted Movement and anti-genocide protestors have done a huge amount of leg work and continue to do so. These are the people doing everything they can to stop more Palestinian deaths. You seem to be more critical than supportive of them

          • Carrolade@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            I do not support a total arms embargo right now, I do support conditions on our aid and a permanent cease fire, along with Netanyahu being thrown out and movement towards a two state solution, pushed by an ultimatum threatening divestment.

            I do not see evidence that a large amount of leg work is being done. The strategy seems to be to go straight for leadership, trying to pressure them with high visibility action, and less on outreach to suburban American citizens, where the real power actually is. You are correct I am critical, but being critical of the methods and supportive of the cause are not exclusive to each other. I can support innocent Palestinian people while thinking you guys are doing a terrible job of actually helping them.

            The recent boat run towards the Israeli blockade was one of the first good ideas I’ve seen out of the movement in a long time. Half your ideas are counterproductive, which I think we can see in the recent uptick in support for Israeli military action.

  • Suavevillain@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    Outside just being used for a vote most likely not. If you see that recent video DNC attendees cover their ears as the names of dead Palestinian children are read as they leave the convention. It shows you their real character.

    • Five@slrpnk.net
      29 days ago

      What do Wikipedia editors think about MBFC?

      Can you show me an example of them getting a site’s bias wrong? I’ve had misgivings about that site from the moment I discovered it, but I’ve yet to see any evidence of them being categorically wrong. – ᛗᛁᛟᛚᚾᛁᚱPants

      I think it’s more a matter of MediaBiasFactCheck having an implicit bias of its own - a tendency to center its political compass on the United States and a tendency to weigh editorial on the US heavy compared to international editorials. A perfect example is this: The Epoch Times is notoriously inaccurate with regard to reportage related to China. It’s also pretty virulently right-wing. However, it’s not run by actual fascists, which by US standards probably makes its bias right-center rather than extreme. Its’ anti-China bias isn’t that much more galling than that of Foreign Policy - which the website erroneously calls a least-biased source. As somebody who used to hate-read FP mainly to find out what American imperial actions to get angry about in any given month, until their pro-American bias became too sickening to handle, I find that a little bit questionable to say the least. But I have to measure everything through the terrifying funhouse mirror that is the American Overton Window.

      – Simonm223