My parents were 11 years apart (she the younger of the two). That would be such a dealbreaker for me.
My husband is 16 years older than me. I’ve been told frequently it’s weird or worse. We were both adults when we met, so I just accept whatever people want to say. I’m going to stay with him so it doesn’t matter if they find it weird.
I caught some flak because my husband is 8 years younger. I reminded my family that they let my mom get married off at 14, and nobody brings it up anymore. Tennessee (USA), if you’re wondering.
Chances are very high you won’t stay with him. Not because of age, but because most marriages run their course and end. Its just natural.
I’ve been with him 17 years, so we’ll see.
Seems pretty normal to me.
In fact, my partner is older than me by several years. We’re a CIS couple.
Kind of skimmed, but I didn’t notice any mention of same sex couples / marriages. I wonder if there’s any major difference or if the data is similar.
Would like to see the same data, just without Alabama, Mississippi and Kentucky please.
My partner and I are 42 days apart. There is something very nice about having the same timeframe of experience.
We grew up experiencing the same events but slightly different because we were in different parts of the same country.
I dated someone many years younger once and it was so awkward, they were so far behind of where I was in life that I didn’t even want to pursue it after a month of dating.