Not too surprised, though it’s assuring seeing them doubling down on this path and the enshittification will continue. Better jump the ship sooner than later.
I think the subs permanently blacking out are the ones with the most impact. Having 24/48/72 hour blackout just says “we’ll be back soon!”, and in the end, is pretty meaningless. Shutting down legitimately and moving (taking some of your user base with you) is the only thing that will have any real impact.
Reddit is bound to just replace the mods of certain subreddits and reopen them. So the only real reason to do any damage is to move and take some users with you.
It helps that the big subs pussied out because the powermods couldn’t go without powertripping for a measly 48 hours.
I think advice animals said the admins hijacked their sub and set it back to public, maybe that’s what’s happening elsewhere too?
Maybe. I know some of the more, erm, propaganda subs chose to keep their subs open.
I wonder if it would be a good idea to have another few days of protest, but rather than leaving the subreddits on private we ddos their servers by switching them on and off