hi everyone,

as of right now it looks like i will not have this week’s highlights video done before the next episode of critical role airs. my internet has been out since thursday afternoon and i’m supposedly not getting it back until sunday night at the earliest (and no, it’s not possible for me to move my entire computer setup somewhere else to get it done). this puts me several days behind schedule, and i don’t realistically think i’ll be able to make up that time and get the video done. i also have other commitments during this upcoming weekend, which means i won’t have time to catch up on video work.

i know many of you have told me that you don’t care when the video comes out, and that you’ll watch it whenever it’s posted, but i have a strict schedule because i believe it’s very important that the video comes out before the next episode of cr airs. plus, if i don’t keep myself to a strict deadline, i know i will fall behind and the videos will never end up getting done.

at this point i don’t really know what to do. in all honestly, i have been thinking about quitting making these videos for a while now, and this whole situation has not lightened my spirits. creating these videos (almost) every week is draining and unrewarding. you know how they say you shouldn’t make your hobby into a job? well that is what i’ve done, except i’m not even getting paid lol. pretty much the only reason i have kept making these videos is because i know how many people still enjoy and appreciate them.

i guess i can’t just quit because of my internet being out, but it’s going to be a lot of work to get these videos back on schedule, and i’m not sure that i have that in me right now. i don’t know what else to say and i don’t really know what to do right now. i just wanted to let you all know that the next video will not be out before the next episode of critical role airs. thank you for reading.

copied from community page