If I wasn’t an atheist I would fully believe he is the actual anti-christ.
Honestly you still could believe it from a secular interpretation of the bible. Many of the verses talking about the antichrist are clearly warning about the rise of a fascist strongman, and unsurprisingly Trump fits them perfectly.
Could American Evangelicals Spot the Antichrist? Here Are the Biblical Predictions:
So for full discloser, I am a Christian believer and also do not like Trump. I thought (even since before he was elected) he was using the presidency for his own personal gain. I’m also not going to try and say I didn’t like Hilary more, because I absolutely did not. Over his term I came to see it was worse than Trump just using the presidency for personal promotion and am at the point his actions seriously scare me.
That being said, this article I think took some logical jumps to make it fit an American presidency. Prophecy is extremely difficult and subjective. I am just a normal person and haven’t studied biblical prophecy to the fullest extent, so it could be spot on and I’m just not as versed in it. Reading it I was also thinking were these verses picked to make the argument? Were there prophecies left out because they did not fit the argument? That would be my burden to study and look into.
Overall, the article opened my eyes to some things that seemed off but I could not explain way. I have some obvious concerns and glad I have a starting point to start looking into it further. Glad I read this article, and thank you for sharing it.
Jesus did not fit the prophecies either. The point of prophecy isn’t prediction, it’s a tool to be used to make people believe what you want. For example, Jesus of Nazareth was almost certainly not born in Bethlehem, but that’s what the prophecies said so we have multiple differing mutually exclusive accounts saying how and why he was born in Bethlehem for some reason during a trip they took. They don’t really make sense, especially together, but they don’t need to. They were just created in order to fit a person into the prophecy.
Not that Dune proves anything, but I highly recommend watching (and ideally reading) it because this concept is basically what it’s about, and it’s entertaining and well done. A prophecy was laid out in advance to be used when needed. It is then used to convince them Paul is their Messiah, and billions of people die because of it.
Prophecy is extremely difficult and subjective.
And it’s also bullshit lol
He’s almost enough to make me believe again…
Trump Building used to be located at 666 Fifth Avenue. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were trying to summon Gozer the Gozerian in there.
It’s true, AlphaOmega. This man had no dick.
He makes me doubt my atheism…
Just as god hath used imperfect vessels to proclaim his perfect message in the past, so he shall useth them now and in the future. /s
MAGAts be like:
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“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.”
Romans 16:17-18
If only MAGA Republicans could read, they’d have seen this coming.
I think this also falls under “taking the Lord’s name in vain”.
HOLY SHIT. I’m a fucking Atheist, and this is offensive and sacrilegious to me
For an extra $15 Trump will autograph it mechanically.
I am permanently offended by the level of stupidity on constant display.
And Jesus said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.
With trump, god is testing Christians, and they fail every time.
This is self induced.
The grift that keeps on grifting.
Besides a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of the famous Greenwood song.
Of course he used the KJV. The version that no modern Christian couldn’t read if they wanted to and the version that basically every fundamentalist Christian has on their bookshelf and never opens.
They probably chose the KJV because it’s in the public domain.
For $59.99 i think you could stay at a Motel 6 and just take the bible from the nightstand.
Gotta love the ‘words of God’ being kept behind an intelectual property wall.
So, if this book isn’t transformative in any wood, can it be copyrighted? Just saying, maybe someone should sell a “God Bless the US” Bible for $49.99
It includes a handwritten chorus from that Greenwood song. So, you would have to leave that out
Or… we get Weird Al to write a parody song instead.
Why, you could assemble it yourself with some web searches. But it is … bad, and are they even buying it. It’d be quite offensive if I were more attached to the question.
Ooh the fundies get mad mad when anyone suggests that perhaps the KJV isn’t the only, or even best, version. And it’s always the ones who post their dumb Bible journaling where they’ve highlighted all but like, 3 words. Bitch, you didn’t read all that. You would’ve known what to actually highlight if you did.
It’s not necessarily hard to read, but I feel like a lot of christians don’t read it as much as they think. Time consuming, sure. But than again there aren’t artifacts to hold in your invetory you know, you’re supposed to read it. I mean, for real. While we’re at it why not reading the ancient greek translation, which is one of the earliest we know of.
I take offence at that, we have a KJV on our book shelf and it is never opened and I certainly don’t call my self a fundamentalist Christian, or even a Christian.
It is sitting with the greek myths, british folk law, NZ pre European accounts/trade/culture, and the section with all the language/translation etc
Grew up Baptist, and KJV is the one Baptists open and read and swear is the only “correct” one. And before you say Baptists don’t read it, well… a good half of them do, maybe more.
Baptists are hateful little effers though, that often know a lot of Bible, yet follow very few of the key points.
I’m still absolutely shocked at the complete blindness, that this dude would get away with selling the Bible for his own aggrandizement, packed with literal idolatry, and face very little resistance from it.
This bizarre conflation of Christianity with patriotic capitalism and flag worship is one of the biggest real life conspiracies of our time, and it was absolutely a hostile takeover of the church by corporate and state interests.
Churches were once considered “too leftist” because they served their communities and preached the Gospel of Christ, and if they were involved in politics, it was definitely not to engage in politician worship.
It makes me weep inside, how extinguished the light has become…
Remember, when Satan offered Jesus “power over all the nations of the world”, it wouldn’t have been a temptation if he didn’t have it to offer… If this isn’t proof of that, I dunno what is …
He always looks like a fragile child trying to look mean.
His mugshot is always hilarious to see. You just know he practiced that looking for an expression that made him look tough and defiant, and he settled on “toddler intentionally shitting their pants because you said it’s time for bed” as his look of choice?
That’s essentially exactly what he is.
Looks like
Are they all printed upside down?
Maybe it’s right to left and he’s made a maga manga.
I think certain parts of the Bible are a little too “kinky” for manga form.
Starts sweating profusely
Sounds like a nice joke, but I can’t think of a single thing in there that fits that description.
Don’t downvote me though unless you at least remember something I don’t. Then again, why would that deserve a downvote
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20
There’s also the rape of Dina, Lot and his daughters, and the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) also come to mind. There’s probably more that I can’t remember.
I wouldn’t downvote a simple question. Also, it’s best not to care about downvotes anyways. Only votes that matter is up voting a post so it appears on the front page if it’s important.
Those are all super tame and vanilla— certainly not “too kinky for manga”. Rape in-and-of-itself isn’t even a kink unless it’s the person wanting to feel raped— which is still pretty vanilla. But I digress.
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Assuming a 50% markup, he’ll only need to sell 5.8 million of them to cover the latest bond requirement.
'Think he can do it in time?
$60 for a book he probably outsourced to the cheapest country possible… That’s way more than 50% markup.
Last week he was selling sneakers, this week Bibles, next week it will be US flags with his face where all the stars should be… Trump is proof you really can fool some of the people all of the time.
Depends on how much money he’s trying to launder.
Yes :(
Jesus would literally whip a motherfucker over this
Trump, who became the presumptive Republican nominee earlier this month, released a video on his Truth Social platform on Tuesday urging his supporters to buy the “God Bless the USA Bible,” which is inspired by country singer Lee Greenwood’s patriotic ballad.
Huh, I thought Xtians believed it was inspired by the word of God. I wonder if this version still has Jesus spouting all that woke liberal crap about turning the other cheek and taking care of the poor.
I wish he’d just hurry up and exile himself to Belarus so I could win the office pool already, gosh.
He missed a real opportunity there to make some additional money while selling Bibles for $66.66 or $69.