The projected poll places the Tories on just 53 seats - with even the PM losing his seat. This would place the Tories with lowest number of seats since 1832 when party was formed.

  • *Tagger*
    1311 days ago

    Well, on the face of it, that seems really daft. Care to elaborate?

    • katy ✨
      411 days ago

      his closeness with mums net, his refusal to condemn duffield, the fact that wes streeting is a full on terf, the fact they’ve already committed to implementing the debunked cass review nonsense (despite the tories coming out and saying it was purely a partisan driven narrative), and the fact that i know tories are shit but labour is supposed to be better yet here comes tony blair being trotted out to peddle more transphobia.

      oh and the fact that starmer wants to be like thatcher.