• masquenox@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    It’s well known that horrible things happened to animals during the Russian space program.

    Yes… “everybody” knows that the “Jewish-Bolshevist horde” couldn’t possibly have an ounce of human compassion for animals, isn’t it?

    But hold on there before you start calling for another go at “lebensraum,” Clyde - let’s first check who it is that you are actually comparing them to, shall we?

    You sound like a liberal

    Stop projecting, liberal - I’m not the one jerking off Cold War propaganda here. You are.

    • assassin_aragorn@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Once more, overcompensating way too hard and needlessly throwing around terms to try and make yourself look like an actual leftist. You know what the clearest sign of this is, liberal? Other than you basically going “no u”?

      I never said a thing about the USSR lacking compassion to animals. Nor did I ever mention NASA nor make a judgment on which group was morally superior. That all came from you, because you felt the need to bolster your leftist “credentials”. But I see through it.

      It’s not terribly surprising that both NASA and the USSR space program did awful things to animals. They were racing each other, moving quickly and breaking things. It would be too risky to test humans in incredibly novel technology like that, but they wanted data and results. So they tortured poor animals instead of taking the time to go more slowly and do safer tests. And let me be explicitly clear, both space programs are guilty of this and damnable for it.

      What’s your next reply going to be, I wonder? Ignoring basically everything I said, and talking about more of NASA’s fuck ups, like “well we don’t know it doesn’t work” with Challenger? Sprinkling in some leftist terms to convince yourself you aren’t a liberal? Or will you totally pivot to something else and call me Clyde again?

      Please, mix it up a bit this time. The formula is getting rather dull. There’s better ways to try and convince us you aren’t a liberal.

      • masquenox@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Nor did I ever mention NASA nor make a judgment on which group was morally superior.

        Oh, you didn’t have to - you just stepped in to help on of your fellow libs do a bog-standard and thinly-veiled “Jewish-Bolshevism” jig - that is all.


        It’s not terribly surprising that both NASA and the USSR space program did awful things to animals.

        …the backpedalling begins.

        Not very unpredictable, methinks.