• @CaptainSpaceman@lemmy.world
    725 days ago

    Thats a weird angle.

    My thing is, advocating for JUST tiktok to be banned when the American companies are doing the same thing makes zero sense.

    So again, why pick? Choose freedom.

        • @papalonian@lemmy.world
          425 days ago

          So no real tangible advice then, right? Just telling people on the Internet they’re not doing enough? Got it, thanks

            • @papalonian@lemmy.world
              325 days ago

              No, but you came in and started doing it anyways, lol. Just wanted to see if there was any substance behind your “do better” message.

                • @papalonian@lemmy.world
                  25 days ago

                  Choose freedom.

                  Be a leader.

                  Dis u?

                  People generally don’t not “choose” freedom. We didn’t wake up one morning and say, y’know, I feel like giving away all of my personal data to the government. Telling people whom you’ve got no idea of their struggles to “be a leader” from your keyboard isn’t constructive. It’s noise at best, and condescending at worst. But you do you.

                  • @CaptainSpaceman@lemmy.world
                    125 days ago

                    I cant make your life more free for you. You have to do it.

                    I cant think of every way to make your life more free. You have to invoke your own creativity.

                    These are choices to make, and when pressed I responded. But I only offer advice, and it is open ended at worst.

                    Im not telling people how to live, im merely stating that them not shooting themselves in the foot would be beneficial if they say they dont like being shot in the foot.

    • @bolexforsoup
      225 days ago

      choose freedom

      Does this make the surveillance disappear today? What does this mean?

        • @bolexforsoup
          225 days ago

          I didn’t pick aside. I don’t use TikTok and I don’t care who owns it. But I live in the US, theoretically I would rather one entity spying on me than two lol

            • @bolexforsoup
              25 days ago

              If I don’t want to be spied on by the US I would have to leave the country, which is not exactly an option. Then I would have to determine a country that does not spy on its citizens or is otherwise not spied on heavily by another country. I’d be very curious with that list looks like. I imagine it’s very small, and very undesirable.

              I use a lot of digital tools to protect my privacy and have fought for digital privacy rights directly. Don’t lecture me please.

              Where is this magical land you live?

              Honestly I’m just getting tired of discussions where people lecture me about “just taking it laying down“ as if somehow I have the ability to end the US surveillance state or otherwise opt out of it. I have limited options, as do all of us. I am acknowledging reality, not saying I endorse it or don’t even push back where I can. These kinds of comments are flippant and annoying.

              TL;DR: zero isn’t a real option today so don’t act like it is.