Also, interesting comment I found on HackerNews (HN):

This post was definitely demoted by HN. It stayed in the first position for less than 5 minutes and, as it quickly gathered upvotes, it jumped straight into 24th and quickly fell off the first page as it got 200 or so more points in less than an hour.

I’m 80% confident HN tried to hide this link. It’s the fastest downhill I’ve noticed on here, and I’ve been lurking and commenting for longer than 10 years.

      491 month ago

      I didn’t see anyone saying that but the correct response is: in the next billing cycle we’re going to start charging X amount per month for X amount of traffic or we have to bump you to to the next tier.

      If things are so dire that the traffic is causing problems the correct response is to throttle certain domain traffic until it gets figured out in some way.

      Pay X amount in 24 hours or we remove you entirely is extortion.

      251 month ago

      The guy’s running an online casino. With millions of subscribers. CloudFlare can kick them off the internet and steal the copper off the eyelets of their boots for all I care.

        11 month ago

        Yes because you yourself are against something you should take the ability of adults choosing to do that away! And also make a company able to extort you for it!!

    • chiisana
      171 month ago

      Lemmy hates cloudflare because they are scared of alleged “privacy” concern. So much so that they’d rather side with online casinos doing literal scammy business just to validate their claims that “cloudflare is bad”. They also severely lack the business acumen to understand what’s happening. It’s shit like this that pushes me further and further away from Lemmy and more and more back towards Reddit :(

        1 month ago

        Lemmy is getting bigger now, and you can see the quality of discussions in large Lemmy communities take a hit lately. If you want quality discussion, go to smaller communities.