Palestinians are at #8.

    • @whoreticulture
      21 month ago

      It makes sense to support the Arabs who got displaced …if you’re a member of one of those groups

      If you’re a Palestinian

      if you’re a member of one of those groups and can’t sympathize with the other (eg … IDF)

      If you’re a Palestinian who can’t sympathize with the IDF

      …then you should get no sympathy at all.

      If you’re a Palestinian who can’t sympathize with the IDF, then you should get no sympathy at all .

      So, again, you’re saying you have no sympathy for Palestinians who dislike the IDF, who have been continuously murdering them and stealing their land?

        41 month ago

        Disclaimer, I’m a third party to this argument.

        As far as I can see that’s a misunderstanding.

        If you’re a member of one of those groups [Palestinian, Israeli], who can’t sympathize with the other [Israeli, Palestinian]… e.g. IDF (Israelis who can’t sympathize with Palestinians), Hamas (Palestinians who can’t sympathize with Israelis)

        • @whoreticulture
          1 month ago

          Ah I see, honestly my interpretation still stands. Not every Palestinian who can’t sympathize with Israelis is Hamas. Hamas was an example given (because that’s what e.g. means), but based on what they said, they’re referring to any Palestinian who lacks sympathy. They didn’t say only Hamas. And this poster is conflating those two separate but overlapping groups of people, which is also fucked up.