What kinds of games might you recommend with deep worldbuilding and interaction that aren’t RPGs?

I like worldbuilding and stories, and I like when they’re mixed with the interactivity of games, so RPGs seem like they should be a natural fit. Problem is, I dislike the stat-heavy, grindy progression of many RPGs.

I enjoy point & click adventures and visual novels but they’re often more limited in their interactions. What kinds of game might I be missing combining the two?


  • @inlandempire@jlai.lu
    2 months ago

    I think you’re right, I was about to “leave” the early parts of the game, I had already unlocked some powers but not leveled them up too much, I should really try to get back to it though, despite feeling a little bored when playing, I just can’t forget the aesthetics

    • @WldFyre@lemm.ee
      12 months ago

      A tip, don’t bother leveling up melee, it’s a pretty useless power unfortunately. Throw everything into the launch ability, plus health/energy whenever you feel you need more.