Layla Ahmed is, by any measure, a responsible adult. She works at a nonprofit in Nashville helping refugees. Makes 50k a year. Saves money. Pays her bills on time.

But there’s another measure of adulthood that has so far eluded her. Ahmed, 23, moved back in with her parents after graduating college in 2022.

“There is a perception that those who live with their parents into their 20s are either bums or people who are not hard-working,” she told the Today, Explained podcast.

Being neither of those things, Ahmed and her situation actually point to a growing trend in America right now: More adults, especially younger adults, are either moving back in with family or never leaving at all.

According to the Pew Research Center, a quarter of all adults ages 25 to 34 now live in a multigenerational living situation (which it defines as a household with two or more adult generations).

It’s a number that’s been creeping upward since the early ‘70s but has swung up precipitously in the last 15 years. The decennial US Census measures multigenerational living slightly differently (three or more generations living together), but the trend still checks out. From 2010 to 2020, there was a nearly 18 percent increase in the number of multigenerational households.

    6 months ago

    There is not enough housing in the US and shithead know nothings keep it that way with NIMBY and gentrification attitudes.

    People who say that young adults who live in their parents basement are bums are bums themselves.

    I build homes and the privileged loser fuck heads who got housing got it from inheritance or getting lucky with their jobs.

    The housing market is so fucked up and it’s been under attack by not only the greedy shit head realtors but industry makers and policy makers, investors and Air BnB.

    It’s almost as if rich people want the poor to always be on their toes so they can be manipulated.

    Housing is a fucking RIGHT. We need to make sure the elites understand that.


      6 months ago

      Don’t forget about other rich ass-hats who buy houses above asking, just to tear them down and build another ungodly McMansion, taking away what affordable houses remain.

      A beautiful 50 year old house sold on my block for $250,000k two years ago. At 1600 sqft, and some renovations from the previous owner, it was a wonderful starter home. A college buddy of mine tried to buy it at asking $230k and we joked that we’d be neighbors.

      But instead, someone bought it, destroyed it, rebuilt it, and sold it for $900k.

      Now, that same house just sits there with a “For Rent” sign. It’s appalling.