The mods of all the major communities there remove comments criticism Hexbear and usually follow it up with a ban. It’s absolutely clear what is happening and it shouldn’t be allowed to continue.

    • Lemminary
      284 months ago

      Lmao I’ve also been banned by rimjob from World News over the stupidest shit. And yes, he did cite some bullshit even thought I was clearly within the rules and arguing in good faith. How dare someone stand their ground against Bruce Almighty from World News! Not surprised.

        34 months ago

        I had a bunch of reasonable posts deleted from World News. I just blocked it but defederating would be way better because then we can rebuild a healthier news community somewhere else.

    • kbal
      174 months ago

      While I agree that hexbear generally sucks, they and I do at least have an enemy in common. That ban is not so undeserved as I was led to expect.

        • kbal
          164 months ago

          Tankies say all kinds of stupid things, but even if we grant the thus-far unproven assumption that the person being addressed there is among them, when they’re telling nazis to fuck off that is not an appropriate moment to try and start a pointless fight by asserting that they’re wrong about every single thing.

          • Lemminary
            274 months ago

            It’s not about being wrong or right, it’s that their instance culture is aggressive, immature and arrogant from what I’ve seen. Those meme threads are done obnoxious circlejerks, dear god, I hope they’ve grown out of that at least.